July 28th - July 29th

July 27th

July 26th

July 23rd - 24th - 25th

Another good photo shoot with a good friend! This project is really opening up my heart to good times and good people! Thanks Friend...This one is dedicated to you.
Sushi on Saturday at the Atlantis! After storm watching from Windy Hill, I was able to capture this shot while having a splendid evening.

At the Top of Huffaker Park, the sun was still setting and not to vere from the Sunet Project, but how could one resist such a cool picture of the moon over the trail?

July 21st - July 22nd

Life is a Journey, Not a Destination!
This shot was taken at Paradise Park, July 21st, and the top shot was taken at Huffaker Park - July 22nd. Thanks for going Friends!

July 19th . July 20th

This first shot was taken on the North Part of town; where congestion of power lines and buildings make it difficult to find the right spot. The top shot however, was taken South of Reno, and I love the emptiness!

July 18th

This was taken at the very end of Double Diamond, by Verterans Blvd.